Monday, March 21, 2011

Your Opinion of Apartment Living Guide and Everything Apartment

Dear Apartment Seeker:

We at Apartment Living Guide are here to provide you with information so you can make informed decisions about what apartment you would eventually like to rent in the Twin Cites, Minneapolis-St. Paul metro area.

We publish a digest-sized magazine and web site ( to assist you in researching apartments and townhomes for lease.  Additionally we offer information available on your smartphone via the SmartScan codes (QR codes) in Apartment Living Guide magazine that is available at nearly 1100 locations in the Twin Cities.

Have you visited our web site?  Have you picked up our magazine?  What do you like?  What don't you like?  What do you wish we did differently?

What information is most useful?  Is there ANYTHING as it relates to renting an apartment that you are curious about or that we can help you with?

Apartment Living Guide is so much more than just a magazine and web site.  We are a resource for renters and property owners and managers.  Our goal is to connect renters to their ideal apartment at a reasonable (advertising) rate for our property owner customers.

So, if you are currently a renter, or want to be a renter soon and you have a question or would like to provide feedback on our web site or magazine, we want to hear from you!
